Alberni District Fall Fair
Sept 5, 6, 7 & 8th 2024
Tel: 250-723-9313
Fax: 250-723-9391
Board Of Directors
The Alberni District Fall Fair Board of Directors is responsible for the overall planning and staging of the fair. It is made up of 11 Directors, 6 of which must be Kinsmen and the rest are interested individuals that have taken a keen interest in the fair and have taken out yearly membership.
Each Directorship has an area they are responsible for, in most cases they will have Conveners working under them, and several volunteers to help. They report back to the monthly meetings of the Board of Directors.
Darin Kozlowski
Darin is a Kinsmen Member who has been involved with the fair with his family for many years.
Darin has held the position of chair previously so brings to the board his expertise.
Mitch Gardner
Mitch is a Kinsmen Member who has been involved with the fair along with his family for many years. He has held many Directorships and this year Mitch will hold the position of Vice Chairman.
C: 250-730-1182
Scott Green
Past Chairman​
Better known as Mr Fair, Scott I am sure has held every positon on the Board of Directors including Chairman too many times to count. Scott along with his family have been volunteering for numerous years.
Responsible for making sure the Directors are able to completed their tasks, and step in where needed.
Dave Best
Dave is a Kinsmen Member who is in his second year as Agriculture Director. He has held various positions on the board including Chair. Dave has a love for 4-H, and all things agriculture so it is a fitting Directorship for him. Along with numerous Conveners and volunteers in various areas, agriculture is in the forefront of the fair.
To oversee and arrange for all agricultural needs at the fair
Horse Show, Small animals (Stephens building) and large livestock (4-H barn)
Including Conveners for each area.
Oversee Agriculture Education Building including Old MacDonald’s Farm
Ryan Hanson
Ryan is a new Kinsmen Member who has stepped up to take on the task of Directorship for the 2017 fair. Ryan is keen and we are excited to have him part of our board of directors.
To oversee any repairs to the buildings
Oversee all plumbing and electrical needs in conjunction with Conveners and trades people when needed.
Chad Hyggen
Fair Services
Chad is a new Kinsmen Member and has come onto the Board of Directors of the fair with a keen interest in learning as he becomes familiar with what goes on at the fair. This is Chad 2nd year as a director and this year will hold the Fair Services Directorship
To oversee and arrange for a Convener for Food Vendors, and Commercial Vendors
To oversee the Volunteer Fair Kitchen, and make sure there is adequate volunteer staff and there are no concerns within the kitchen or eating area
Arrange for Gate Staff and work with Administrator and Treasurer to ensure all parties understand proper protocol
Arrange for Security
To oversee the Exhibitors Lounge with the help of the Administrator who will arrange all the licenses
Sam Sattar
This will be Sam’s 3rd year as Entertainment Director. Sam came on the board as a Kinsmen Member, he is keen to bring a full slate of talented entertainment to two stages, all the while focusing on a well-rounded variety of entertainment for all spectators. He is also responsible for the community wide parade on the Saturday morning.
To arrange for Conveners for all entertainment on the fair grounds
To arrange for a Convener to oversee the parade
Book Walk-ABouts
Arrange for Radio Club to oversee marshaling of the parade
Arrange for barricades from the city for all side streets and marshaling site
Carol Cutforth
Carol was a fair kid when her parents Brenda and Willy Smith were very much involved with the fair. She is very familiar with most aspects of the fair and has held the position of Chairperson for 3 years. Carol and her family are very much involved and will be seen doing any number of tasks to get the fair up and running on schedule. Carol was instrumental in getting our Junior Board off the ground and acts as their Advisor. This year’s Carol has taken on the task of Attractions Director, she is looking forward to implementing a few changes to make the fair more enjoyable for our spectators.
Wheels of Fortune
Any other attractions
Dan Hamelin
This is Dan’s 2nd year as a Director, but he and his family have been volunteering at the fair for quite a few years. Dan and his wife Dawn have been a members of the fair for the past 4 years. He is looking forward to the challenges of the upkeep of the grounds.
Responsible for mowing and weed eating
To oversee the layout and design of the fairgrounds, with the Chairman or Vice Chairman
To arrange for a Parking Crew
To arrange for a Sign Convener and help put signs up on the fair grounds
Arrange for Janitorial Staff for washrooms and garbage pick up
Make sure we have plenty of garbage containers including re-cycling bins alongside the regular bins
Arrange for extra dump bin up near the midway and have a card board bin alongside the reg. dumpsters
To arrange for a Grounds decorating and Landscaping Crew
Arrange any paving needed
Jason Ferguson
Jason is relatively a new comer to the fair, this will be his 4th year as a Director. He comes on the board as a Kinsmen Member. He is looking forward to the challenge of setting up the big building, and is hoping his wife will help out and make it a family ritual.
To oversee the set-up, take down and overall displaying, &in conjunction with the Administrator arrange for judges to have the exhibits judged.
To make sure to have Conveners for each section, arrange for volunteers to help.
Make sure there is adequate signs & table coverings.
Kryssie Thomson
Kryssie has been involved with the fair since she was very young. Her Dad Farmer Bill is a Life Member of the fair, and her Grandmother Vivian Thomson has been showing her prized dahlias for many years. Kryssie has held many positions as a Director and this year takes on the task of Public Relations. Her responsibilities are:
Responsible for the promotion of the fair
Overseeing with the Administrator the prize book, event book, Web Site, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Partnership Program.
Work our volunteers
Arrange for advertising the fair